Ms Aurora

Hello! My name is Aurora, and I am Italian. I recently completed my master’s degree in European and American Languages and Literatures with a thesis on Roberto Bolaño, a Chilean-born author, with top honors at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Three years earlier, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages and Literatures with a thesis on the translation and commentary of texts by Antonio Arévalo, also with honors, from the same university. I hold credits in anthropology, psychology, and pedagogy, as well as the necessary methodologies and educational technologies to guide effective teaching. Additionally, I have recently passed the entrance exams for the TFA (Active Formative Internship), a program chosen by the Italian Ministry of Education to allow aspiring teachers to acquire the specialization required for special education teachers. This specialization serves as a crucial link between the regular classroom, students with disabilities, and the teaching staff, promoting the integration of differently-abled students not only in school but also in society. In fact, my decision to pursue this path is driven by the increasing prevalence of specific learning disorders (SLD), among others, and I strongly believe that every teacher, regardless of their subject, should have psychopedagogical competencies.

I have already gained some prior experience as a teacher in public schools through the MAD (Availability for Teaching) program. Currently, I teach Italian and French at the Benedetto XV Middle School. I hope this is just the beginning of a long journey.